Thursday, April 29, 2010

Web Development Information And Tips

Web development is the process of creating web sites. There are many different components that go into web development. Some of the main components are web design, content creation, business strategy, programming, and marketing. Typically each one of these components are done by different individuals or companies. It is very rare for one person to possess the skills to handle every aspect of creating a web site. Web development is also broken into 3 different categories: creative, technical, and business related. As most people know, most creative people are not very technical and vice versa. The creative side of web development is web page design, basic programming skills, editing, management of database handling and more. The technical side is more related to infrastructure of the Internet, involving technical support for users within a corporation or business. The people that handle the business related aspects utilizes sales and marketing skills in business to business environments, dot-coms and specialized services. For individuals that are interested in becoming a web developer they should consider getting certified to make themselves more marketable. One of the main certifications for web developers is the Certified Internet Webmaster Certification. This certification is a program designed to validate the development of web design skills. With today's technology it's becoming easier for everyday users to create their own websites. There are plenty of blogging platforms and social media sites that allow people to create their own site. Once they create their site then can they easily share it with their friends or even the rest of the world. Web development is no longer only for the professionals.

By: Suran Lier

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Social Media Company, Custom Web Development Agency Bay Area, Web Design
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